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All Women Should Be Rejoicing!

Aug 13, 2024

3 min read




If you are a woman and feel you lost rights yesterday, please read this and subsequent blogs. Yesterday was full of lots of emotions on both sides of the issue. I am going to write a couple of blogs over the next few weeks to address some of the concerns raised by this decision. I will begin each blog the same way: If you have had an abortion or are the father, grandparent, or other relative of an aborted child and still have trouble processing it, there is help.

If you have an unplanned pregnancy and don’t know where to turn, there’s help.

If you work in the abortion industry and want out, there is help.

No matter your situation, you are not alone. There is help. You just have to reach out.***********************************************************************

All Women Should Be Rejoicing Today!!

All women should be rejoicing today! Feminist should be ecstatic. If you are shouting “keep your politics out of my uterus”, you’re in luck. Yesterday, politics left your uterus. If you believe women lost rights yesterday, again, you’re in luck, hundreds of thousands of women (and men) gained rights yesterday. If you think that women’s healthcare has been diminished, it’s your lucky day. Women’s healthcare has just been improved.

On January 22, 1973, politics entered your uterus. Nine MEN decided that abortion is a right – not necessarily whether it was legal or illegal or moral or immoral or even a safe medical procedure – but a God-given right. A right equal to free speech, voting, self-defense, and get this, a right equal to being alive (you know, the whole life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness thing.) Attorneys with an agenda roped in Norma McCorvey (Roe in Roe v Wade) and Sandra Cano (Doe in Doe v. Bolton). (Please look up their stories.) Neither had much interaction with the attorneys – a couple meetings at best. Neither were active in the case. Neither had abortions. They were used as pawns to push a political agenda. Both were glad they ended up having their children, straightened up their lives, and spent the next decades fighting for the right to life until their deaths. Yesterday, these women were vindicated. Yesterday, politics left your uterus. Yesterday, rights were gained. All women (and men) now have the basic right to be alive. Without this right, all other rights are useless. Yesterday, women gained rights.

Many abortion clinics are not under the same regulations as every other medical clinic in our country. (See Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt) Doctors are not required to have admitting privileges to hospitals. Clinics do not have to follow any health regulations if it causes “undue burden”. What does that even mean? What medical facility can you walk into and expect the staff to not follow all regulations b/c it causes “undue hardship?” Personally, I would be scared to death of such a facility. SCOTUS decided in 2016, this was ok. You can go into only this particular kind of clinic and have an invasive procedure, but the clinic doesn’t have to meet the same requirements as say, a GI clinic who does colonoscopies. Yesterday, women’s medical care was expanded.

If you feel your rights are threatened by this decision, please examine your head and your heart. Examine your head by doing the research and understanding what abortion is, how it is performed, the effects on the mothers’ mental and physical health after, how it came to be a law, and the people involved in the movement. Search your heart – and I mean get deep down in there – and examine why you feel it is better to brutally kill a child rather than give the mother and child the support they need for both to be viable and successful in life.

#prolife #prolifegeneration #prolove #Roe #RoeVsWade #roevwade #pregnancyresourcecenter

Aug 13, 2024

3 min read





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